+33(0)3 22 84 39 99

Our commitments

Discover our actions to prepare for and live in tomorrow's world

Sustainable Partnerships

We prioritize local suppliers and increasingly energy-efficient products. In this way, we prefer companies that share our values and policies.

Office Revamping

In insulation projects for the group, we prioritize rock wool or other environmentally protective elements.

  • Change of heating system (offices and workshops)
  • Expansion of premises
  • Optimization of our energy consumption
  • Overhaul of the compressed air network
  • Implementation of specific pollution air extraction for our welders

A Better Waste Policy

Actions implemented such as waste sorting, employee awareness, waste production reduction. Implementation of a policy with our suppliers to reduce waste.

Well-being of our employees

  • Trainings
  • Improvement of Quality of Life at Work (QVCT)
  • Improvement and optimization of positions/working conditions to reduce MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders)
  • Onboarding program for new arrivals

Human Ressources

A human company

  •  Serene working atmosphere
  • Mastery of our skills
  • Proximity between services
  • Employee trust
  • Autonomy in the missions

Certifications and Partners