+33(0)3 22 84 39 99
Product Assembly – Active RABS

Product Assembly – Active RABS

Optimize safety and traceability with an Active Open RABS! In line with compliance to Annex 1 As part of the compliance with Annex 1 of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), we offer a cutting-edge solution for your project’s production line: the Active Open RABS. This...
Exhibition A3P Lausanne

Exhibition A3P Lausanne

Exhibition – A3P Lausanne : Being at the A3P Lausanne congress is a great opportunity for EREA to strengthen its presence in Switzerland ! Maxime & Pierrick are excited to be there and look forward to meeting you. EREA invites you to visit us in Lausanne,...
Production – Isolator

Production – Isolator

New projetct in progress at the assembly ! An isolator for sterile application is currently being assembled at the EREA workshop. This isolator is made up of four main components: – A control box (HMI), – An entry SAS (single-sided, without gloves),...
Installation – Weighing Booth

Installation – Weighing Booth

Installation of this weighing station has just been completed by our teams! Followed by the SAT, which went very well!, The booth is made of a return air plenum with single-stage prefiltration, a fan plenum, sound traps, a supply air plenum with HEPA H14 filtering on...
Production – Carters

Production – Carters

One of our customers requested from us to install a set of mobile protective carters, to secure an erea with a risk of liquid projections. EREA offered a Made in France solution. We offer panels on wheels, with PETG panels at the top of it and INOX 316L cladding at...