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Reminder of our Gloveboxes Group seminar which happened at the beginning of June.

This year, the group’s seminar took place in the Hauts de France, with a particular focus on production.

In addition to the financial and strategic issues, we shared with the production managers the specificities of our different entities with the will to find common synergies.

We alternated working sessions with some friendly moments like this superb barbecue with all EREA PHARMA employees as well as a memorable visit to Lille in a typical French vehicle.

Thank you to all our collaborators at Jacomex and Inert Corporation for all these good times.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

EREA is a globally recognized leader in providing state-of-the-art isolator and cleanroom air flow solutions tailored to the specific needs of pharmaceutical, biotech, as well as cosmetic industries, all compliant with Annex 1 of GMP.

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